Title: | Inventory Locator Service ( ILS ) - https://www.ilsmart.com/ |
Pagerank: | 0 |
Description: | For more than 35 years, ILS has helped customers by collecting data about parts available in the marketplace and organizing them into one user-friendly database. The new and used parts locator service developed by ILS has helped numerous customers in the aviation, marine, and defense sectors find the parts they need, streamline procurement, sell their parts inventory, improve their MRO services, and automate their supply chain operations. |
Category: | General Businesses: Online Business |
Busines Owner: | Inventory Locator Service |
Address: | 8001 Centerview Parkway |
City: | Memphis |
State: | TN |
Zip Code: | 38018 | Phone Number: | N/A |
Map: |
Payment types: | |