Title: | Dengyi Electronics Ltd. - http://www.szdengyi.com |
Pagerank: | 0 |
Description: | As a global leader of TFT-LCD screen, Dengyi is able to provide customers with a full range of panel size and extensive applications, the offering size from 10.1 inch to 85 inch for laptop display, tablet display, LCD monitor, and 4K/2K TVs. |
Category: | Computer Businesses: Computer Hardware Businesses |
Busines Owner: | John Zhang |
Address: | Room 801, No.1053, BaoYuan rd., XiXiang sub-district, BaoAn district |
City: | ShenZhen City |
State: | GuangDong Province |
Zip Code: | 518102 | Phone Number: | 8613602565348 |
Map: |
More results: | Laptop LCD Screens |
Payment types: | PayPal |
Products/Services: | TFT-LCD Panels |