Title: | Cadexair - Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems - https://www.cadexair.com/ |
Pagerank: | 0 |
Description: | Cadexair specializes in commercial kitchen ventilation systems since 1986. We care for all your needs, from design and fabrication to installation and maintenance. Our teams put your safety first and comply with the latest industry standards. |
Category: | Food and Cooking Businesses: Restaurant Food Businesses |
Busines Owner: | Bon Amimg |
Address: | 3020B Route Marie Victorin |
City: | Varennes |
State: | Quebec |
Zip Code: | J3X 0J5 | Phone Number: | 450-652-0668 |
Map: |
Payment types: | |
Products/Services: | Commerical Kitchen Ventilation Systems |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/Cadexair-Inc-1224162791031535/ |
LinkedIn: | https://www.linkedin.com/company/cadexair-inc./ |